Scott Brogdon: Pickleball Weight Loss Before and After 

Scott Broder Pickleball weight loss before and after photos.

Your pickleball weight loss before and after story isn’t over once you reach your target weight because you have to maintain it. Our friend Scott Brogdon has conquered the art of weight management, and I’ll explain how he did it.

Join me as you learn from an esteemed gentleman who served his country for two decades despite fighting his own battles with weight. Scott’s story underpins the importance of discipline and self-control in your personal life and on the court.

Before Pickleball

Scott’s battle with maintaining his target weight began long before he was dominating the pickleball court. Let’s take a look at his life before he became a pickler.

The Military Man

Mr. Brogdon spent 20 years in the military, which is where his issues with controlling his weight reared their head. He was constantly battling to remain within the allowable weight standards, and despite following the orders of experts to eat less and exercise more, he was always treading a fine line.

Scott felt that his weight management was less of an issue while on active duty, given the constant movement and high-calorie loss.

The Office Worker

After retiring from the US Coast Guard, Brogdon settled into an office role, keeping him sedentary for extended periods. The disciplined soldier quickly developed the bad habits of everyday office workers, dedicating time to the job, eating, television, and sleeping.

This lifestyle wasn’t made for a man who struggles with weight management, and the situation quickly spiraled out of control. The monotonous routine and lack of exercise saw Scott’s weight spike, bringing about high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

The Turning Point

During an annual checkup in November 2020, the doc upped the ante on Mr. Brogdon’s diabetes medication. He was already at capacity with the original medication, and there were no signs of improvement. So, a second medication was added to the routine to nip the high blood sugar disease in the bud.

This was only half of the catalyst, as Scott was witnessing his father-in-law in hospice care for uncontrolled diabetes. The veteran knew he was headed down a similar route if he didn’t take action, so he did.

Weight Loss Transformation

Our military pal tipped the scales at 275 lbs in 2021, shedding 15 pounds leading into 2022. Then, he encountered a post on Facebook. His friend shared his success with the Optavia meal plan program, and the story intrigued the legendary gentleman.

Scott was desperate for a change and decided to take a chance on Optavia. He weighed 260 lbs when he started the program and reduced his weight by 85 lbs in six months. 

Pickleball weight loss Scott and Hilary
Scott And Hilary Before And After Weight Loss

Credit is also due to Hilary Brogdon, who joined her other half on the adventure and lost 54 lbs in the same period. Testament to the results you can achieve when you have the support of your partner.

Maintaining Target Weight

As a disciplined retired serviceman, Brogdon knew his weight loss journey was far from over when he reached his target weight. The real hard part of maintaining this target weight lay ahead, which is where pickleball played a role, as you’ll learn in the next chapter.


Correcting his diet and identifying a meal plan that worked for his body was pivotal in Scott’s mission to remain consistent. Often, we might exercise but then load our bodies with calories we don’t need, rendering the workout ineffective.

Brogdon eats a whopping 6 times a day, but it’s controlled, healthy, and compatible with his body. Five of his daily Optavia meals are small fuelings that carry a nutritional balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. The first fueling is an hour after he wakes up, and then he refuels every 2 to 3 hours.

He only eats one large meal a day, which is typically dinner. It consists of a lean and green concoction consisting of lean protein and vegetables.


A healthy diet needs exercise to keep your body well-oiled and your energy levels high. Scott is a firm believer that losing weight requires a combined effort of healthy eating and adequate exercise, and we agree.

Brogdon was walking 2 to 3 miles daily and pushing weights to keep active, and as expected, the retired soldier got into a consistent routine. However, three months into his Optavia program, he discovered pickleball, and it’s been all about the courts and weight training since.

Discovering Pickleball

Scott was already on his weight loss journey when he discovered pickleball, but it’s had a profound impact on his life. Let’s learn why.

Pickleball on Facebook

Scott was scrolling through his Facebook feed and saw a video of his friends playing this new, popular game called pickleball. His energy levels were rocketing, and he was hungry for another activity that he could do with Hilary besides walking.

The couple started off slowly, hitting the court once a week while still walking, but the bug bit, and they ended up fitting pickleball into their daily routine. Now, they play daily for an average of two hours, but Brogdon suggests that some sessions extend beyond 4 hours.

Pickleball Workout

Scott finds that pickleball provides an exceptional cardio workout, thanks to the short bursts required to make each shot. The sport also burns an impressive chunk of calories and in Brogdon’s case, 1700 calories in 4 hours of light to medium intensity doubles play.

Calorie burn from pickleball
One of Scotts Calorie Burn Screenshots

The calories you burn vary based on your weight, height, physical shape, and the intensity of play. See how many calories you burn on average playing pickleball with our calculator.

Pickleball Community & Mental Health

Brogdon explained that he was depressed before he started losing weight but constant exercise and a healthy diet improved his state of mind. His spirit has been further lifted by his new group of friends from pickleball.

Scott and Hilary actually relocated in the middle of the pandemic and with lockdowns on the go, it took some time before they made friends. Pickleball helped to introduce them to an abundance of like-minded individuals in the community, who welcomed Brogdons with open arms.

Looking fit, feeling healthy, and surrounding himself with a supportive community have done wonders for Scott’s happiness. He mostly plays pickleball in the evenings and says it gives him something to look forward to during the day, keeping his excitement and positivity levels high.

Improved Sleep

The veteran reported sleeping better than in previous years when he started playing pickleball in the evenings. Exercising later in the day saps the last remaining energy from his body (in a good way). Once he gets home, eats, and showers, he is ready to get acquainted with his pillow.

Affordable Activity

Like this writer, Scott is a golfer and is hitting the links less these days, thanks to pickleball. The racquet sport is more affordable and convenient than golf. For context, I spend $30 – $40 per pickleball outing on court rental, transport, balls, and food and beverage. When I play 18 holes, I’m spending double that.

Take money out of the equation, and pickleball is a faster sport. You can play for 2 hours, get an intense workout, and go on with your day. Golf is a 4 to 5-hour experience, taking up a full morning or afternoon.

Future Plans in Pickleball

Scott is potentially the most successful player we have covered in the Pickleball Changes Lives Weight Loss category. He didn’t just lose weight. He maintained his target weight, and 2 years later, is still going strong.

Scott and friend with their winning medal
Scott And His Buddy With Their Winning Medals

Improve Pickleball Rating

Brogdon is working tirelessly to improve his skills on the pickleball court. He says he wants to get better but doesn’t assign a rating to his end goal. He is already winning medals and filling up his trophy cabinet. Scott, I’d say you’re clearly getting better.

Optavia Coach

Scott is an Optavia coach, now helping others to lose mass and live happier, healthier lives. He absolutely practices what he preaches because the Optavia program helped him lose 85 pounds and maintain his target weight of 175 lbs.

If you’re currently struggling with weight management, it is worth talking to Mr. Brogdon. He can speak from personal experience and guide you towards achieving your target weight. The Optavia program worked for Scott, do you think it’ll work for you?

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