Is Pickleball Good For Weight Loss: Nikkol Breer Says Yes After Losing 135 Pounds

Is pickleball good fo weight loss? A before and after photo of a pickler who lost weight.

Is pickleball good for weight loss? Decide for yourself after reading Nikkol’s incredible transformation story.

Nikkol Breer is a poster child for those agreeing that pickleball is good for weight loss and mental health. She went from struggling to get out of bed to becoming anxious when she couldn’t get onto the pickleball court. The sport has given her a new lease on life, and she is happier, healthier, and fitter than she has ever been in her life.

But while her story has a happy ending, Nikkol has battled weight management and depression for a large part of her life. We have spent the last three months getting to know Ms. Breer and her story inspired us, showcasing her kind nature, resilience, and passion for pickleball.

She has lost 135 lbs since she rekindled her love for the sport and has ambitious plans to lose 50 lbs in the coming year. Nikkol is proof that pickleball, combined with dedication, consistency, and drive, can help you lose weight, but let’s see how she did it.

Nikkol Breer Pickleball Weight Loss Journey

Work, Couch, TV

Prior to weight loss surgery in the summer of 2022, Nikkol’s life was predictable. She worked tirelessly during the day before retiring to the couch with her favorite snack in hand to enjoy an evening of Netflix. As comfortable as her life was, it wasn’t doing our friend’s weight management or mental health any good, and before she knew it, Nikkol was tipping the scales at almost 400 lbs.

3 photos of Nikkol Breer anwering the question Is Pickleball Good For Weight Loss.

She was barely recognizable to herself, her family, and friends and decided to sign up for weight loss surgery. Ms. Breer was on the road to recovery and planning a schedule that involved frequent trips to the gym to manage the weight she lost during surgery.

Losing Mom

No good deed ever goes unpunished, and despite Nikkol’s efforts to get her own life on track, her mom sadly passed away three months after surgery. This cruel game called life has a habit of kicking us when we are down, and our good friend felt the beatings.

Her first reaction was to eat and do what she had always done instead of confronting her grief and challenges. However, she couldn’t return to her old habits as she was still recovering from her surgery. Nikkol opted for the next best avoidance tactic, not getting out of bed in the morning.

I can sympathize with Nikkol. When I was a teenager, my dream was to represent my country at the Olympics in the 400 meters. I won a few provincial championships as a teenager and was getting better, but then my dad passed away, and I lost all my motivation. I gave up sprinting, and the lack of activity sent me into a state of depression, much like Nikkol experienced.

Mom’s Last Gift

A great mother has a way of being there for her children, even when she is not physically there, and Nikkol’s mom is proof of this. Before her passing, Mom asked her sister to buy a pickleball paddle for Nikkol for Christmas.

Lady with a red and white stripped shirt holding a pickleball paddle and wearing a medal: Highliting how pickleball changed her life.
Nikkol with the paddle her mom bought her and a gold medal. Mom would be so proud.

Initially, the paddle stayed packaged up in the closest, with Ms. Breer avoiding the somber memories of the last few months. Clearly, Mrs Breer was tired of seeing her daughter suffering and channeled energy towards her daughter.

Nikkol woke up one morning in March 2023 and decided to take action. She pulled the paddle out of the closet and gave it a few swings. A short while later, she found herself at her local pickleball court playing a game.

Rediscovering Pickleball

Pickleball wasn’t new to Nikkol because she grew up playing the sport as a kid. Her grandparents had a pickleball court laid out on their driveway, and a young Nikkol would play against kids from the neighborhood for hours on end.

Her competitive spirit kicked in as her game improved, and Nikkol’s grandfather said she could contest the adults, as long as she took pickleball seriously. So she did, and it became a favorite hobby for her. However, she stopped playing in her teenage years, and exercise fell away altogether.

When Ms. Breer stepped onto the pickleball court again in March 2023, it was as if she had never stopped playing. Of course, her stiff, aching body the day after her first game back told a story of an unfit, rusty pickler.

Consistency Is Key

Nikkol fell in love with pickleball all over again, and she started off slowly, playing one match a week. The bug was biting, and she increased her court time to three times a week, which is what she averages at the moment.

However, Nikkol plays whenever she can, and on occasions, she says she will play every day of the week. She doesn’t get the chance to play every day of the week because she needs to find time to fit in her job and of course, her family commitments.

A happy pickleball player with winner's medals after previously weighing nearly 400 lbs.

Her efforts on the pickleball court have been worth it, as Nikkol has racked up the medals over the last 12 months. Bringing in multiple golds, silvers, and bronzes at local and regional pickleball tournaments.

135 LBS Lighter

Our fellow pickleball player lost 65 lbs before taking to the courts and has lost an additional 135 lbs since March 2023. A remarkable feat, which speaks to Nikkol’s dedication, consistent court time, and a healthier relationship with food. These days, she controls her protein intake and follows a strict hydration regimen.

Pickleball weight loss journey, before and after photos of Nikkol Breer.
Look at that transformation. Way to go Nikkol!

Improved Mental Health

After spending hours on the court, Nikkol noticed an increase in energy levels and a desire to be more active. Her newfound passion for activity left her with little time to think about her past challenges, ultimately pulling her out of her depressive spell and helping her conquer her grief.

Pickleball mental health benefits: Nikkol Breer shows how much happier and healthier she is today after playing pickleball for 12 months.
Left: Before pickleball; Right: Photo of Nikkol today, and she seems genuinely happy and healthy, and we love to see it.

These days, our pickleball pal has a spring in her step and a newfound positive outlook on life, and she is seeing the results. She is fitter, healthier, and happier than ever.

Social Pickleball, Fun and Family

Nikkol, like 25% of picklers from our Why is Pickleball popular survey, play the sport because it’s fun. Fun times are good times, and you make more friends when you are having a good time. That’s what Ms. Breer has discovered over the last year.

We’re happy to hear that our friend has built up a supportive community of pickleball players, who she calls her “cheerleaders.” Nikkol seems to have found herself the best partner in the world who recently said she was incredibly lucky to have a partner like the lady this article is dedicated to.

More Pickleball and Weight Loss

The dedication and perseverance displayed by Nikkol has been inspiring yet she admits that she has a more work to do. She is aiming to shed another 50 lbs in the next 12 months but truth be told, pickleball has helped her accept Nikkol for Nikkol, and she is now comfortable with who she is, not what she weighs.

Lady with a pickleball paddle and silver medal after losing weight, showing the pickleball health benefits.
Nikkol raking in the medals these days!

Losing weight isn’t the only factor driving our buddy’s transformation, as Nikkol is also determined to remain a consistent 4.0 player but we’ve seen her skills and believe she can go higher. But skills aside, let’s turn up Cyndi Lauper for a bit because Nikkol and her “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”

Advice For Others Looking to Change Their Lives Through Pickleball?

Nikkol’s message couldn’t be clearer. “DO It. Just Start.” Don’t overthink it, don’t worry yourself over perceived barriers, just get out there and do it. She admits that she finds certain exercises boring, which lowers the motivation to lose weight and get fit but pickleball offers a fun way to work out.
The pickleball community is also helluva welcoming, and the sport is designed for all ages, shapes, and sizes. Once you’ve played a match, you’ll fall in love with it and you’ll become like Nikkol, who now gets anxious when she can’t get a game in.

Conclusion: Is Pickleball Good For Weight Loss

After losing 135 lbs since starting her pickleball journey, Nikkol Breer is proof that pickleball is good for weight loss. She has gone from playing once a week in 2023 to three times a week at the time of writing. Her consistency and dedication show the level of commitment it takes to lose weight playing pickleball.
It’s important to balance your pickleball exercise with the correct diet for your body and blood type.

Eating high-calorie foods after a pickleball match is counterproductive if you are looking to lose weight. Nikkol seems to have a handle on her diet, and we will write a follow-up article in 2025 to see if she achieved her goals.

Read More Articles: Pickleball Changed My Life: From Thin Ice To King Of The Pickleball Court

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